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Providing news and analysis on business, economics, and drug prohibition
Issue 1: Fall 2005
Welcome Top News Story

Welcome to the Drugs & Economics Memo where you can read news and analysis on the failure of prohibition. We will feature brief analysis of current events and legislation, along with announcements for CJPF news and activities.

We hope you enjoy our work!

Contender to lead UK's Conservative Party says consider legalising drugs
The Independent (07 September 2005)

David Cameron,
the Tory leadership contender, believes the UN should consider legalising drugs and wants hard-core addicts... Read full article
Was Katrina's fury fueled by the drug war? Latest Research

By Eric E. Sterling

The savage destruction wreaked by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, following the four major hurricanes that smashed Florida last year, alerts us to the important changes in normal natural events being caused by global warming. What does this have to do with the “war on drugs?”

Read on: Was Katrina's fury fueled by the Drug War?...

Harvard economist Jeffrey Miron presents "some of the best [research] yet done on the costs of the war on marijuana" (Quentin Hardy, Forbes.com) in a June 2005 report.

Miron's report, The Budgetary Implications of Marijuana Prohibition, concludes that by legalizing marijuana, the government would save $7.7 billion annually in public expenditures while also generating between $2.4 and $6.2 billion in tax revenue annually.

Miron's report has gained the endorsement of more than 500 economists, including Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman.

If you would like to see just how much of your tax dollars are thrown into drug prohibition each year, you can read the FY 2006 National Drug Control Strategy Budget.

Justice O’Connor: A friend of business

By Eric E. Sterling

Associate Justice Sandra Day O’Connor is retiring from the Supreme Court. “‘If anyone up there [on the Supreme Court] could have been tagged pro-business, O’Connor would have been the one,’ said Christopher Landau, a former clerk and now a partner at Kirkland & Ellis, LLP,” The Washington Post reported...

Read on: Justice O'Connor: A friend of business

CJPF in the News
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Q: Are drugs legal in the Netherlands?

A: Contrary to popular belief, drugs are not legal in the Netherlands. But the Dutch have developed a unique system which allows for the sale of small quantities of cannabis... Read more

CJPF President Eric E. Sterling has been visiting Rotary clubs to discuss the Economic Misunderstandings of the Drug War. If you would like to hear his presentation at your business or organization, email us at info@cjpf.org.

Read our blog
Sterling on Justice & Drugs


Join CJPF at the 2005 International Drug Policy Reform Conference: "Building a Movement for Reason, Compassion and Justice". Sponsored by the Drug Policy Alliance, it will be held November 9-12 in Long Beach, CA.

Eric E. Sterling will be a featured speaker at the event.


Criminal Justice Policy Foundation
8730 Georgia Ave, Suite 400
Silver Spring, MD 20910
ph: 301.589.6020 | fax: 301.589.5056

www.cjpf.org | info@cjpf.org

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